Time is one of our most important commodities.  Our time on planet earth expires when we die.
Let’s take a stark look at time. In a year (not counting leap years that occur every four years) there are 365 days.  365 days X 24 hours = 8,760 hours per year.  8,760 hours X 60 minutes = 525,600 minutes per year.  525,600 minutes X 60 seconds per year = 31,536,000 seconds.  If you want, you can do the math for whatever years you think or hope you will have.

Our time is running out.  The BIG question, is how do we want to use our time while we have it?

Since you can’t  be certain when you will die, why not use your time in ways that help your life be more fulfilling?  This isn’t to say that every second of your life can be gratifying.  Big chunks of your time may take up things you have to do that are not what you’d like to do.  However, there is a way to get around this.

Let’s say you don’t like taking out the trash.  It’s just one more mundane chore that you dislike.  Think of what kind of trash you have to take out to the trash container.  There may be banana peels, for example.  You really like the potassium laden bananas and you can be happy as you go bananas eating your bananas.  Then, when you take the trash out to the trash container, you can be happy that you had the bananas to eat and that you’re going to be a good citizen by letting the Garbage Person come to your curb and take away the garbage.

It’s so simple.  Let yourself be happy with everyday events.  Take time (remember, this is about time) to be mindful and to be grateful for what you do have.

You’ve heard people say, “I have no time.”   That’s preposterous!  Also said frequently is “I’m just killing time.”  We have time, every second of it, until we die.  We can use our time anyway we want.  Let’s use our time to make life more meaningful for ourselves and other people, even those we may not personally  know.

How often do you put off telling people you love them?  How often do you put up walls to avoid contact with people you actually care about?  You likely know of people who died, rarely letting them know how much you cared for them or loved them.”

Let yourself use all your seconds the best you can while you’re alive.  The  optimal outcome is that you will have a healthier mind and body.  Your life will flourish in many ways.

Celebrate the time you do have.

It’s time for me to say, “Good-bye.”