
What To Do When You Are Seriously Stressed

No matter how well you plan or how good your life tends to be, there will invariably be times when you’re just stressed out of your mind. Whether relationship difficulties strike, you encounter obstacles in your career or are struggling with your health, you can quickly become overwhelmed in a way that completely undermines your [...]

By |November 9th, 2016|Uncategorized|0 Comments

6 Ways to Support a Transgender or Gender Nonconforming Person

It is revolutionary for any trans (transgender) person to choose to be seen and visible in a world that tells us we should not exist. ~ Laverne Cox Over the past couple of years the transgender community has gained a higher level of mainstream exposure. This is in part thanks to the transgender men and [...]

By |September 27th, 2016|Uncategorized|0 Comments

Watching Too Much TV Is Killing Us, But Occasionally Can be Healthy

Television has officially joined the ranks of things we love that are slowly killing us. According to a recent study, there is a strong correlation between the amount of time an individual spends watching TV each day and their risk of early death. However, before you go ahead and cancel your cable subscription, it’s important to note [...]

By |August 30th, 2016|Uncategorized|0 Comments

Depression, disease and no sex are some dangers of binge watching

We've all had those lazy Sundays when the couch's gravitational pull is too strong to escape — but as binge watching becomes a bigger part of the cultural landscape, some people are finding it even harder to break free. There's not a lot of hard clinical data on binge watching to date. Most psychologists and [...]

By |August 30th, 2016|Uncategorized|0 Comments

Weighing in on Body Shaming and Its Effect on Mental Health

As someone who has struggled with an eating disorder it is understandable the intense effect body shaming has on mental health. In modern day society, it seems nearly impossible to avoid society’s version of the ideal body. Body shaming consists of criticizing our own bodies and/or criticizing the bodies of others (Body-Image Problems: Stop Hating Your [...]

By |August 23rd, 2016|Uncategorized|0 Comments

Different Moods of Anxiety and How to Tame Them

Anxiety has many different moods; frustratingly, anxiety isn’t a single, simple concept. No one can count on it to be anything other than disruptive and erratic. Perhaps you’ve experienced an all-too-common situation. You’re working hard to manage anxiety. Your anxiety symptoms have lessened and your life feels less restricted. Then, seemingly without warning, bam. Anxiety strikes [...]

By |August 18th, 2016|Uncategorized|0 Comments

Mindfulness — Essential Bipolar Survival Skill?

I wrote that Mindfulness Doesn’t Help My Bipolar Disorder. And I think mindfulness, at least how I was taught it, just doesn’t significantly, positive affect a serious, neurological illness. I find it works best in people who experience stress and anxiety. And many do agree with me on this. That said, John McManamy does not. Here [...]

By |August 18th, 2016|Uncategorized|0 Comments

Can Technology Improve our Mental Health?

While some modern technology may have a negative affect our mental health, other technologies show promise for improving mental health. The mobile app industry along with virtual reality may prove to be a crucial component for the future of mental health. Many patients are able to take advantage of technology that allows them to schedule appointments, [...]

By |August 16th, 2016|Uncategorized|0 Comments

A Closer Look at Intrusive Thoughts

One of the defining features of OCD is the presence of intrusive thoughts. But here’s the thing that really threw me for a loop when my therapist and psychiatrist explained intrusive thoughts to me: Everyone has them. Everyone. Your friends, your family (even your grandma), your co-workers. Very few people on this planet can claim [...]

By |March 24th, 2016|Uncategorized|0 Comments

Interesting Reads

The links contained in this Blog are articles that I have found interesting. Many of them have to do with Human Behavior; the others I just found interesting. Human Behavior What a Trip is all about the Human Condition. Humanity is amazing; the time that we spend on this planet is finite and can never [...]

By |November 25th, 2014|Uncategorized|0 Comments